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GAO Report Shows Alarming Deficiencies in Administration DOD and State Supervision of Egypt Security Aid

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U.S. Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL), Chairman of the Subcommittee on the Middle East and North Africa, and Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-VA) made the following statements today in response to the release of a Government Accountability Office (GAO) report on U.S. security assistance to Egypt entitled, "U.S. Government Should Strengthen End-Use Monitoring and Human Rights Vetting for Egypt." Read more.

The Hill OpEd: The innovation economy: Americas path forward

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The American people and our economy have come a long way from the recession President Obama inherited seven years ago. We went from hemorrhaging 700,000 jobs a month, to an unprecedented 73 consecutive months of private sector job growth. More than 14 million jobs have been created. Unemployment has been cut in half. The stock market has recovered. Read more.

WaPo: Federal firefighters fight policy that stymies their advancement

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Connolly said the guidance is based on OPM's "narrow reading" of the law. OPM's interpretation, Connolly said, "would actually limit the positions to which these temporary employees may apply… Of course, the congressional intent was to allow these seasonal employees to compete for vacant, permanent positions just like other federal employees." Read more.

WaPo: FTA safety blitz uncovers more problems with Metro safety

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Federal safety inspections of Metro's rail system have found that the transit agency is failing to provide basic safety protections – including working fire extinguishers and clear escape routes – to help its riders in the event of an emergency evacuation. Read more.

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