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Connolly Statement on FTA Metro Safety Blitz Findings

Congressman Connolly released the following statement on the Federal Transit Authority's Metro safety blitz findings. Read more:

Congressman Gerry Connolly released the following statement on the Federal Transit Authority's Metro safety blitz findings:

“The findings from the FTA safety blitz are jaw-dropping and should make you shudder. This just underscores the institutional challenges Metro’s new chief safety officer will have to tackle when he begins next month. 

"The FTA inspections bring to light further safety shortcomings that under the wrong conditions could put Metro riders and employees’ lives in jeopardy: non-working emergency power shut off switches, construction debris blocking emergency escape routes, expired fire extinguishers, and train operators not following proper speed restrictions when workers are on the tracks.

Sadly, this once again confirms the culture of mediocrity and indifference that has been allowed to develop over the past decade within Metro. As I said in last week’s House Oversight and Government Reform Subcommittee hearing on Metro safety, I support the new General Manager’s efforts to right an agency reeling from crisis-to-crisis, but he faces a monumental task and will need support from all Metro stakeholders, including the federal government.”

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