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Connolly, Wild, Larsen, DeLauro Introduce Comprehensive Bill to Protect, Expand Access to IVF

Today, Congressman Gerry Connolly (D-VA), Congresswoman Susan Wild (D-PA), Congressman Rick Larsen (D-WA), and Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) introduced the Right to IVF Act, comprehensive legislation that will guarantee the right to provide and access IVF services and will expand insurance coverage of IVF and other fertility services.

The legislation consolidates four bills authored by Wild, Connolly, Larsen, and DeLauro: The Access to Family Building Act (Wild), the Family Building FEHB Fairness Act (Connolly), the Veteran Families Health Services Act (Larsen), and the Access to Infertility Treatment and Care Act (DeLauro).

“The right to start and build a family on your own terms is sacrosanct,” said Congressman Connolly. “With anti-abortion and anti-family extremists across the country setting their sights on IVF and other fertility treatments, now is the time to take action to protect and expand this fundamental right for Americans in every corner of the country. This comprehensive legislation, which I am proud to introduce with Reps. Wild, Larsen, and DeLauro, will strike a blow for freedom and ensure that, in America, women and families have the ultimate say over their own futures.”

“No judge or politician should dictate how or when Americans decide to start or grow their families,” said Congresswoman Wild. “Since the beginning of the year, I have worked to protect access to IVF and other assisted reproductive technologies for all Americans, and I’m proud to join my colleagues to introduce additional reproductive health protections today. I invite my colleagues on the other side of the aisle to match their words with actions and cosponsor this common-sense, pro-family legislation.”

"For many Americans, IVF and other fertility treatments are essential to starting a family," said Congressman Larsen. "I am proud to work with my colleagues in the House and Senate to introduce comprehensive legislation that will guarantee access and expand coverage for IVF and other fertility services. The legislation includes my bill with Senator Murray, the Veteran Families Health Services Act, which ensures that fertility treatments and counseling are included as part of servicemembers' and veterans' health benefits. America’s women and men in uniform sacrifice greatly—they should not have to sacrifice their dreams of having a family."

“When people do not have insurance coverage for infertility treatment and care, they must make impossible choices between essentials like food, clothing, and housing or paying out of pocket for the chance to have a child," said Congresswoman DeLauro. "That is why I am proud to join my colleagues introducing legislation that includes my Access to Infertility Treatment and Care Act, legislation that would require more health insurers to provide coverage for infertility treatment."

“Americans who struggle to build their family deserve access to comprehensive insurance coverage for needed medical treatments to have a child, and we need federal protections for treatments such as IVF,” said Barbara Collura, President/CEO, RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association. “The Right to IVF Act accomplishes both and is the most comprehensive legislative package to help build families.  We are grateful for the leadership of Congresswomen DeLauro and Wild and Congressmen Connolly and Larsen for introducing this legislation in the House of Representatives.  Given the widespread public support for IVF, there should be no delay in passing this pro-family legislation right now.” 

The Right to IVF Act would establish a clear and enforceable nationwide right to receive, provide, or cover IVF services (performed in accordance with widely accepted and evidence-based medical standards of care); and expand IVF insurance coverage:

Title I: Access to Family Building

  1. Establish a statutory right for an individual to access, a provider to provide, and an insurer to cover—without prohibition, limitation, interference, or impediment—ART/IVF services provided in accordance with ASMR professional guidelines.
  2. Authorizes U.S. Department of Justice to commence civil actions to enforce statutory rights and a private right of action for adversely affected covered parties. 

Title II: Veteran Families Health Services

  1. Allow servicemembers to cryopreserve gametes before deployment to a combat zone or hazardous duty assignment and after an injury or illness.
  2. Permanently authorize and enhance fertility treatment and counseling options for Veterans and servicemembers, while expanding family-building assistance, improving eligibility rules, and strengthening research on servicemember and Veteran long-term reproductive health.

Title III: Access to Fertility Treatment and Care

  1. Increase affordability of fertility care—including IVF—by requiring employer-sponsored insurance plans and other public insurance plans to cover fertility treatments.
  2. Standardize baseline of high quality fertility treatment coverage under private health insurance plans, while protecting Americans against excessive out-of-pocket costs.

Title IV: Family Building FEHB Fairness 

  1. Promote the standardization and widespread availability of affordable fertility treatment coverage under employer-sponsored health insurance plans.
  2. Require insurance carriers that participate in the world’s largest employer-sponsored health insurance program, the Federal Employees Health Benefit (FEHB) Program, cover ART, including IVF treatments.

Text of the Right to IVF Act is available here.

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