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Connolly, Kinzinger on Latest Developments in Georgia

Today, Congressmen  Gerry Connolly (D-VA) and Adam Kinzinger, Co-Chairs of the House Georgia Caucus, released the following joint statement on the latest political developments in the nation of Georgia:

“Today’s news that Georgian Dream will walk away from the April 19th parliamentary deal sadly highlights the ongoing challenges to Georgia’s democracy. We are disappointed by this development and by both the opposition parties refusal to join the agreement and the overall polarization of politics in Tbilisi. We urge all parties to take a step back, reassess their priorities, and work together to strengthen Georgia’s democracy – not tear it down.

“Only through the legislative process can the tough issues of governing be solved. Those who want to see Georgia’s democracy fail are emboldened when politicians backtrack, point fingers, and spread conspiracies. We stand ready to assist where we can in order to help restore trust in Georgia’s democracy.

As reported yesterday, the ruling party of Georgia—Georgian Dream—announced their previously agreed to deal brokered by international partners will be annulled, just 100 days after signing it
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