Chairman Connolly Urges Prioritization of FHFA IG Appointment
July 13, 2021
Today, Rep. Gerry Connolly, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Government Operations, sent a letter to President Biden urging him to prioritize the appointment of a new Inspector General at the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA), following the resignation of Inspector General Laura Wertheimer. Chairman Connolly first requested an investigation into Wertheimer’s conduct in April 2020.
“We must hold our federal watchdogs to the highest principles of transparency and accountability,” the Chairman wrote. “Prioritizing the appointment of a new FHFA IG will help to restore integrity to the office. In the interim, I ask that you install a qualified acting IG who upholds the ideals of transparency and accountability within the OIG.”
Chairman Connolly noted that there remains a risk that the position of acting IG could be filled by a senior official who has also been identified as having abused his authority.
Click here to read the letter. |