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Chairs Maloney, Connolly, and Rouda Issue Statement on Top Interior Department Official’s Ethics Violations

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Today, Rep. Carolyn B. Maloney, the Chairwoman of the Committee on Oversight and Reform, Rep. Gerald E. Connolly, the Chairman of the Subcommittee on Government Operations, and Rep. Harley Rouda, the Chairman of the Subcommittee on Environment, issued the following statement in response to a report by the Inspector General of the Department of the Interior which found that…

Welch, Connolly, and Lynch Lead Legislation to Protect Dr. Fauci and Other Experts from Political Retribution

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Reps. Peter Welch (D-Vt.), Gerry Connolly (D-Va.), and Stephen F. Lynch (D-Mass.) introduced legislation Wednesday to protect Dr. Anthony Fauci and other directors of National Research Institutes and Centers from being fired for politically-motivated reasons. As Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) within the National Institutes of Health (NIH),…

Foreign Affairs Committee Democrats Criticize Administration Over Apparently Retaliatory Firing Of State IG

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Led by Chairman Eliot L. Engel, all Democratic members of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs today called on the Trump Administration to reverse the President’s apparently retaliatory May 15 firing of State Department Inspector General Steve Linick. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo confirmed that he recommended Mr. Linick’s removal while the Office of Inspector General (OIG) was…

Oversight Chairs Respond to Sudden Resignation of Pentagon IG Official

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Today, Rep. Carolyn B. Maloney, the Chairwoman of the Committee on Oversight and Reform, Rep. Stephen F. Lynch, the Chairman of the Subcommittee on National Security, and Rep. Gerald E. Connolly, the Chairman of the Subcommittee on Government Operations, issued the following the statements in response to the resignation of Principal Deputy Department of Defense Inspector General Glenn…

Bipartisan Lawmakers Introduce “Postal Preservation Act” to Save the Postal Service from Closing Its Doors

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Today, Rep. Carolyn B. Maloney, the Chairwoman of the Committee on Oversight and Reform, Rep. Gerald E. Connolly, the Chairman of the Subcommittee on Government Operations, and Rep. Peter King introduced the Postal Preservation Act. The coronavirus crisis is wreaking havoc on the U.S. Postal Service.  Without immediate help from Congress and the Administration, the Postal Service—a…

Top House Democrats Introduce Legislation to Protect Inspectors General from Political Retaliation

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Today, Rep. Gerald E. Connolly, the Chairman of the Subcommittee on Government Operations, Rep. Carolyn B. Maloney, the Chairwoman of the Committee on Oversight and Reform, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, and Rep. Stephen F. Lynch, the Chairman of the Subcommittee on National Security, introduced the Inspector General Independence Act to protect Inspectors General across the…

Connolly Leads Virginia Members in Urging Leadership to Save the Postal Service

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Today, Congressman Gerry Connolly (D-VA), Chairman of the Subcommittee on Government Operations, led fellow members of the Virginia delegation in sending a letter to House and Senate leadership urging the inclusion of provisions that will ensure the solvency and continuation of the U.S. Postal Service in the next coronavirus recovery package. The Postal Service projects a possible 50%…

Connolly Statement on Governor Northam’s Delay of Phase One for Northern Virginia Localities

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Congressman Gerry Connolly (D-VA), Chairman of the House Government Operations subcommittee, released the following statement on Governor Ralph Northam’s announcement that he will delay Phase One for Northern Virginia localities until May 28th. “I thank the Governor for his flexibility and recognition that Northern Virginia is still not ready to reopen. While we have seen improvement in…

Connolly Statement on Postal Provisions Included in the Heroes Act

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Congressman Gerry Connolly (D-VA), Chairman of the House Government Operations subcommittee, released the following statement on USPS provisions included in the Heroes Act.   The Heroes Act includes $25 billion to save the United States Postal Service and ends Treasury's blockade of the $10 billion loan authorized in the CARES Act. An additional $25 billion for capital…

Heroes Act Includes Connolly Provisions

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Congressman Gerry Connolly (D-VA), Chairman of the House Government Operations subcommittee, released the following statement on the introduction of The Heroes Act. The legislation includes provisions introduced by Connolly to save the Postal Service, increase funding and flexibility for state and local governments, expand telework, invest in IT modernization, provide clarity for…

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