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Connolly-Chabot Reintroduce Bipartisan Crimea Annexation Non-recognition Act

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Today, Representatives Gerry Connolly (D-VA) and Steve Chabot (R-OH) re-introduced H.R. 596 the Crimea Annexation Non-recognition Act, legislation prohibiting federal agencies from taking action that recognizes Russian sovereignty over Crimea. The legislation was previously introduced in the 115th, 114th, and 113th Congress. “Congress must lead the way in refusing to acknowledge the…

Beyer and Connolly Seek GSA Action To Correct Asbestos Tracking Deficiencies In Federal Buildings, Following GAO Report

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Congressmen Don Beyer and Gerry Connolly today wrote to the Administrator of the General Services Administration (GSA) seeking fixes to problems identified by a General Accountability Office investigative report into asbestos in federal buildings. The report found that the GSA has failed to abide by its own tracking and recording guidelines, including the operation of a tracking database…

Connolly and Chabot Introduce Bipartisan Global Health Security Act

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Today, Congressman Gerry Connolly (D-VA), a senior member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, and Congressman Steve Chabot (R-OH) introduced the bipartisan Global Health Security Act, which reaffirms the United States’ commitment to promoting global health security. The legislation is cosponsored by House Foreign Affairs Committee Ranking Member Eliot Engel (D-NY), and Representatives…

It’s time to move on sustainable infrastructure

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By Reps. Gerry Connolly (D-VA), Doris Matsui (D-CA), and Paul Tonko (D-NY) A major infrastructure overhaul is long overdue. Revitalizing and updating our infrastructure is absolutely necessary for America to compete and maintain its leadership in the global economy. It’s essential to creating jobs, including immediate construction…

Democrats’ takeover of House could yield big benefits for Washington region

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Robert McCartney Democrats’ takeover of the U.S. House in Tuesday’s election instantly strengthened the Washington region’s deep blue congressional delegation, a change that may advance local goals such as Metro funding, statehood for the District, and protecting federal workers and the Chesapeake Bay. “It’s the difference…

Democrats Are Going To Investigate Trump’s Corruption And His Nativist Immigration Policies

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Paul Blumenthal and Chris D'Angelo After Democrats won control of the House of Representatives on Tuesday, President Donald Trump will face actual oversight from Congress for the first time. His most controversial policies will immediately come under investigation ― as will the scandals that circled the first two years of his…

National Capital Region Democrats To Zinke: Extend Comment Period For Rule Limiting Free Speech On The National Mall

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Today, Reps. Don Beyer (VA-08), Steny H. Hoyer (MD-05), Gerald E. Connolly (VA-11), Eleanor Holmes Norton (DC-AL), Anthony G. Brown (MD-04), and Jamie Raskin (MD-08) sent a letter to Interior Department Secretary Ryan Zinke urging him to extend the public comment period for the National Parks Service’s proposal to modify the types of demonstration activities allowed on the National Mall.…

Region’s congressional delegation urges Metro board to keep Riders' Advisory Council

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Faiz Siddiqui Members of the Washington region’s congressional delegation are asking the Metro Board to reconsider its plan to disband the Riders' Advisory Council, the only direct rider liaison for the panel. In a letter signed by the delegation’s Democrats, the officials say killing the RAC would set Metro back and a deal a…

Congressional Taiwan Caucus Statement on the 107th National Day of Taiwan

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Today, Representatives Gerry Connolly (D-VA), Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL), Albio Sires (D-NJ), and Gregg Harper (R-MS), co-chairs of the Congressional Taiwan Caucus, released the following statement on the 107th National Day of Taiwan: “October 10, 2018 will mark the 107th Double Ten Day, the national day of Taiwan. As co-chairs of the Congressional Taiwan Caucus, we extend our warmest…

Oversight Republicans Block 11 More Subpoenas for a Total of 64 Motions Denied

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Today, during a business meeting of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, Republicans blocked consideration of 11 more Democratic requests to allow Committee Members to offer, debate, and vote on subpoenas—bringing the total number of subpoena motions denied by Oversight Committee Republicans during Donald Trump’s Presidency to 64. “For the last two years, I have implored…

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