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NSA Boss Seems to Hit Trump on Russia: Putin Believes ‘Little Price to Pay’ for Messing With U.S.

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Andrew Desiderio Adm. Mike Rogers, the director of the National Security Agency and U.S. Cyber Command, told a Senate panel Tuesday that the Trump administration is not doing enough to counter Russia’s attempts to meddle in future U.S. elections through the use of cyberattacks. “Clearly, what we’ve done hasn’t been enough,”…

Korea Caucus Co-Chairs Introduce Resolution Recognizing the 2018 Winter Olympic Games in PyeongChang, South Korea

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Today, Representatives Gerry Connolly (D-VA), Peter Roskam (R-IL), Ami Bera (D-CA) and Mike Kelly (R-PA), co-chairs of the Congressional Caucus on Korea, introduced a resolution recognizing and supporting the 2018 Winter Olympic Games in PyeongChang, South Korea. “The 2018 Winter Olympics will serve as an international symbol of sportsmanship and fair play, and we hope will provide a…

Oversight Dems Ask Gowdy to Subpoena Documents Withheld by Trump Administration on Russian Attacks on 21 States in 2016 Election

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Today, all Democratic Members of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform sent a letter asking Chairman Trey Gowdy to issue a subpoena to finally compel the Department of Homeland Security to produce documents it has been withholding from Congress for months relating to Russian government-backed efforts to monitor, penetrate, or otherwise hack at least 21 state election…

Connolly Statement on McConnell Concessions on Three-Week Funding Bill

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Congressman Gerald E. Connolly (D-VA), released the following statement on Senator McConnell’s concessions on a three-week funding bill: “It is shameful that President Trump and Republicans inflicted this shutdown on the American public. I will vote to reopen government because we have big challenges that our constituents demand we address like ending sequestration, fighting the opioid…

Dem: Trump's 'bromance' with Putin has clouded his views on Russia

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John Bowden Democratic Rep. Gerald Connolly (VA) on Tuesday accused President Trump of harboring a "bromance" with Russian President Vladimir Putin, which the lawmaker says has clouded Trump's vision on Russia. In an interview with "The Lead" on CNN, Connolly told host Jim Sciutto that a recent decision from the Trump…

Connolly Leads Letter to Secretary Tillerson Raising Concerns About State Department's New Mission

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Today, Congressman Gerry Connolly (D-VA) led 15 members of Congress in sending a letter to Secretary Tillerson concerning his recent comments regarding a new mission statement for the State Department. The letter was signed by House Foreign Affairs Committee Ranking Member Eliot Engel, and Representatives Bera, Bass, Boyle, Castro, Cicilline, Deutch, Frankel, Keating, Kelly, Lieu, Meeks,…

Connolly Statement on GOP Tax Plan

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Congressman Gerry Connolly (D-VA) released the following statement on the GOP tax plan: “The tax plan before us today would be a disaster for Northern Virginia. The GOP plan caps the state and local income deduction. It caps the mortgage interest deduction.  And it phases out the medical cost deduction. Our district, where 50 percent of tax filers claim a SALT deduction, is one of…

Connolly Statement on President Trump’s Jerusalem Announcement

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Congressman Gerry Connolly (D-VA), a senior member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, released the following statement on President Trump’s Jerusalem announcement today: “When President Jimmy Carter sat down at the negotiating table with Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin at Camp David in 1978, he reiterated that Jerusalem’s final status…

Niger: The ghost of Benghazi and the danger of mission creep

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Special by Congressman Gerry Connolly Four brave American service members were killed in an ambush near the Niger-Mali border last month. The American people deserve to understand how this tragedy occurred, and the U.S. Government must ensure that we do not repeat the same mistakes going forward. Democrats should not, however,…

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