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Connolly Statement on Memorial Day

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Tags: Veterans

Congressman Gerry Connolly (D-VA) released the following statement on Memorial Day: "Memorial Day offers a chance for solemn contemplation of the ultimate price brave Americans in uniform have paid to keep the light of freedom alive not only here at home, but throughout the world. As we remember and honor all who have died in service to our country, we should ask ourselves what we as…

Will Trump’s budget cut mail delivery? Plan revives contentious question.

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Joe Davidson President Trump, with his well-crafted disrupter reputation, potentially could disrupt one self-funding service Americans directly use almost every day — mail delivery. In the fiscal 2018 budget plan the Trump administration released this week, he reopened the divisive issue of cutting Saturday mail service. After a long and contentious effort, Republicans and…

Connolly and House Green Dogs Call on President Trump to stay in the Paris Climate Agreement

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Today, SEEC Co- Chairs Gerry Connolly (D-VA), and Paul Tonko (D-NY) sent a letter today to President Donald Trump urging him to remain a party to the Paris Climate Agreement. Read the full text of the letter below and attached here: May 26, 2017 President Donald J. Trump The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20500 Dear President Trump: We write to…

Thompson, Connolly Keep the Promise to MIA/POWs

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Tags: Veterans

Today, U.S. Representatives Glenn ‘GT’ Thompson (PA-05) and Gerry Connolly (VA-11) introduced H. Con. Res. 61, a resolution to ensure transparency and cooperation from countries that enter into future trade deals with the United States, in the research and recovery efforts of our nation’s missing service members. “As a father of a wounded warrior, every day I am thankful that my son…

Regional memo: Trump budget proposal spells more pain for D.C. region

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Robert McCartney President Trump’s full budget plan, issued Tuesday, is even worse for the Washington region than the initial “skinny” version released in March, local government officials and analysts say. The new one includes all the same ominous proposals that prompted warnings that the spending plan would worsen economic inequality and possibly tip the area into recession. The…

Dem rep: Abuse, violence against the press 'hallmarks in Trump era'

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Max Greenwood Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-Va.) on Wednesday warned that physical violence against members of the press has become a trend under the Trump administration. "Physical violence and abuse of media are hallmarks in Trump era. Disgusting. We need to call it out," Connolly wrote on Twitter. The Virginia Democrat's comment followed reports that Greg Gianforte, the Republican…

Connolly Statement on CBO’s Score of Republican Health Care Bill

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Congressman Gerry Connolly (D-VA) released the following statement on the Congressional Budget Office’s score of the Republican health care bill: “The CBO confirms what we already knew: the GOP health care bill is still a bad bill. It kicks 23 million people off health care by 2026 and leaves consumers at the mercy of insurance companies when it comes to pre-existing conditions. CBO even…

Connolly Statement on Trump's Budget Proposal

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Congressman Gerry Connolly (D-VA) released the following statement on President Trump's FY2018 Budget proposal: “The President's FY2018 budget proposal is the most radical policy document to come out of Washington since the failed Ryan Budget. It is a blueprint for social Darwinism and a unilateral retreat from our commitments at home and abroad. How does slashing Medicaid, Medicare,…

Oversight Dems Support OGE Demand For Disclosure of Trump’s Waivers For Lobbyists Now Working in Administration

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Today, Ranking Member Elijah E. Cummings and Congressman Gerry Connolly released a letter signed by all Committee Democrats to the Director of the Office of Government Ethics, Walter M. Shaub, Jr., strongly supporting his office’s demand for copies of waivers of ethics rules issued by the Trump Administration to lobbyists and others working in the White House and throughout the Trump…

House votes to target human traffickers with cash rewards

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Cristina Marcos The House easily passed legislation on Monday that would allow the State Department and law enforcement agencies to offer cash rewards for the arrest of international human traffickers. The measure, easily approved on a voice vote, expands the State Department’s current program offering cash rewards for information on people committing international organized crimes…

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