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Connolly Statement on Memorial Day

Congressman Gerry Connolly (D-VA) released the following statement on Memorial Day:

"Memorial Day offers a chance for solemn contemplation of the ultimate price brave Americans in uniform have paid to keep the light of freedom alive not only here at home, but throughout the world. As we remember and honor all who have died in service to our country, we should ask ourselves what we as citizens can do to give back to those who have already given us so much, including the last full measure of devotion. Sometimes the best way to honor the dead is to care for the living.

While we pause to venerate the sacrifice of those who have died, we must commit ourselves to doing all we can to make sure that their fellow soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines, and their families are adequately cared for and empowered to live full and fulfilling lives. The men and women of our Armed Forces have given this country everything. We owe them, their comrades and survivors, no less."

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