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Video: Congressman Gerry Connolly Talks Health Care Reform on CNN's American Morning and MSNBC's Hardball

On the day Congress came back into session after the August district work period, Congressman Connolly appeared on CNN in the morning and MSNBC in the evening to talk about some of the issues Congress is facing on health care reform.

On the day Congress came back into session after the August district work period, Congressman Connolly appeared on CNN in the morning and MSNBC in the evening to talk about some of the issues Congress is facing on health care reform.

You can view Connolly's recent media statements by clicking here.

Connolly has heard from tens of thousands of constituents who have written, emailed, and called his office about health care reform.  He has held public town hall meetings. forums with senior citizens, open houses at his district offices, and telephone town meetings across the 11th District.  He has addressed the issue at meetings with active and retired federal employees, small businessmen and women, and health care providers,  Congressman Connolly has also held open "Congress on Your Corner" sessions with constituents at libraries and outside supermarkets and he has addressed the issue at meetings sponsored by Rotary Clubs and other organizations.

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