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Committee Leaders Introduce Bipartisan Postal Reform Legislation

Today, House Oversight and Government Reform Committee leaders introduced H.R. 756, the Postal Service Reform Act of 2017. The bill addresses unfunded liabilities of the United States Postal Service (USPS), makes reforms to keep mailing costs affordable for consumers, and encourages innovation, all without additional borrowing capacity from the U.S. taxpayer.

Bill cosponsors Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-UT), Ranking Member Elijah Cummings (D-MD), Reps. Mark Meadows (R-NC), Dennis Ross (R-FL), Gerry Connolly (D-VA), and Stephen Lynch (D-MA) released the following statement upon introduction:

"This bipartisan measure will make the policy changes that are most urgently needed to put the Postal Service on sound and sustainable long-term financial footing. This collaborative reform effort places the Postal Service on a path toward a viable future."

Click here to see the full bill text.

Click here to view a summary of the bill.

Click here to view notable changes from legislation introduced during the 114th Congress.


In May 2016, the committee held a hearing to examine the need for timely and comprehensive postal reform legislation.

In June 2016, the committee introduced H.R. 5714, the Postal Service Reform Act.

In July 2016, the legislation overwhelmingly passed out of committee.

What the Bill Does:

Makes USPS More Efficient
• Cuts Costs: CBO Score, Unified Budget Savings of at least $2.2B
• Streamlines and Secures Mail Delivery through cluster boxes for eligible businesses, voluntary residential conversions
• Strengthens Accountability by holding Postmaster General accountable for results
• Improves Oversight by having the Postal Regulatory Commission review postage rates, mail delivery performance

Keeps Promises to Customers, Employees
• Guarantees Pension Liability by making clear USPS is responsible for accrued pension liabilities
• Improves Employee Health Care by improving coordination of care through a USPS-only health care plan and Medicare integration
• Emphasizes Local Service Opportunities by having USPS provide state, local, and tribal government services at local post offices, reducing the cost of service and raising postal revenue
• Supports Rural Access by obtaining local community input on post office closure

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