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The Hill: House bill would sanction individuals involved in election tampering

By Joe Uchill
Reps. Eliot Engel (D-N.Y.) and Gerry Connolly (D-Va.) introduced legislation Friday to sanction any individual who has interfered with an election since 2015.

“Every member of the House should cosponsor this bill. I hope in the days ahead, we build the sort of bipartisan support around this issue we're seeing in the Senate under the leadership of Senators McCain and Graham,” Engel said in a written statement.

The State Department would be in charge of maintaining the list of sanctioned individuals, which would presumably include those involved in the hacking of the Democratic National Committee last year.

Penalties for tampering with elections would include a ban from entering the United States and the freezing of financial assets.

The bill has support from 50 members of Congress, including a half-dozen ranking committee members.

A bipartisan Senate bill was released earlier in the week that would codify and expand the Obama administrations put in place after U.S. intelligence agencies concluded that Russia had meddled in the presidential election.
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