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Connolly Statement on the Nomination of Rick Perry to Lead the Department of Energy

Congressman Gerry Connolly, co-chair of the House Sustainable Energy and Environmental Coalition, released the following statement on the nomination of former Texas Governor Rick Perry to lead the Department of Energy. Read more.
Congressman Gerry Connolly, co-chair of the House Sustainable Energy and Environmental Coalition, released the following statement on the nomination of former Texas Governor Rick Perry to lead the Department of Energy:

"President-elect Trump’s selection of Rick Perry to lead the Department of Energy continues a troubling pattern of selecting individuals to head agencies they actually wish to dismantle. These are important agencies critical to the success and future of our nation. We need leaders who inspire the career civil servants that power these agencies, not someone who denigrates their service. I will continue to vigorously oppose this Cabinet of Horrors."
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