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Connolly Reintroduces Legislation to Increase Access to Vital Documents for Homeless Youth

Congressman Gerry Connolly (D-VA), the Ranking Member of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, reintroduced the Vital Documents Access for Unaccompanied Homeless Youth Act, legislation to establish an interagency task force to facilitate increased access to vital documents like social security cards and birth certificates for unaccompanied homeless youth. Connolly previously introduced the legislation in the 118th Congress.

“Unaccompanied homeless youth face immense challenges, including poverty, mental health concerns, and exploitation,” said Connolly. “Each of these issues is made worse when these young people lack access to vital documents, like social security cards and birth certificates, that would allow them to seek employment, education, and adequate health care. It is high time the federal government coordinated its efforts to ensure they can access the documents they need to thrive. I’m ready to get this done.”

"Caring for unaccompanied homeless youth is crucial - they lack support systems for healthy development, making them easily exposed to exploitation, mental health issues, and chronic poverty,” said Vicki Sokolik, the author of IF YOU SEE THEM and the Founder/CEO of Starting Right, Now. “These youth, without proper identification, are unable to gain employment, seek preventative health services and propel to their highest level of education. I am so thankful Congressman Connolly and his team listened and understand the impact to communities when we don't protect our most vulnerable population. This law will have a profound influence - establishing a consistent framework to empower unaccompanied homeless youth, allowing them to become contributing members of society, thus breaking the cycle of poverty and dependence. I am so grateful."

The Vital Documents Access for Unaccompanied Homeless Youth Act is cosponsored by Congresswoman Yassamin Ansari (D-AZ) and Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC).

The Vital Documents Access for Unaccompanied Homeless Youth Act is supported by the following organizations: A Way Home America, Youth Collaboratory, and the National Alliance to End Homelessness.

Text of the legislation is available here.
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