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Connolly Statement on the Obama Adminstration's Keystone XL Decision

Congressman Gerry Connolly released the following statement on the Obama Administration's decision to reject the Keystone XL pipeline. Read more.

“President Obama and Secretary Kerry have exercised wise and prudent judgement in determining the Keystone XL pipeline is not in America’s interest. As I have repeatedly said, and as independent Factcheckers have consistently shown, this pipeline will never live up to the false promises offered, and it will only exacerbate global climate change.

Proponents claim that the Keystone XL pipeline is necessary for American energy independence. On multiple occasions, I have tried to offer a commonsense amendment on the House floor that would simply require that all oil transported by this pipeline be certified for domestic consumption. Each time, however, the House majority has refused to allow a vote on my proposal. It is no coincidence that the terminus of this pipeline is at Port Arthur, Texas, a leading export facility, and that TransCanada has already signed multiple export agreements.

Another false claim is that this project will result in the creation of tens of thousands of jobs. Yet, The Washington Post Factchecker awarded these claims two Pinocchios and concluded only 50 permanent jobs would be created.

When weighing the considerable environmental risks of the pipeline against the questionable benefits, I believe the Administration has come to the only reasonable conclusion.”

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