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Connolly Statement on the Release of Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement Text

Congressman Connolly released the following statement on the Administration's release of the TPP agreement text. Read more.

“The Administration’s release of the text of the Trans-Pacific Partnership to the public, as required by Trade Promotion Authority, marks the beginning of a thorough and transparent vetting process of the final TPP agreement.

With the passage of TPA, Congress enshrined into law strict requirements that U.S. trade deals include enforceable and rigorous standards on the environment, labor protections, and human rights. I look forward to review carefully the text to ensure that this deal upholds the high standards we have for a modern trade agreement.

If TPP is the most progressive trade deal in history and allows the U.S., not China, to write the rules for trade in the Asia-Pacific, it would be geopolitical malpractice to forego this historic opportunity.”

Click here for the full text of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement.

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