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Connolly Floor Speech in Support of the Bipartisan Budget Agreement, Providing Sequestration Relief and Avoiding Catastrophic Default

Today, Rep. Connolly spoke on the Floor of the House of Representatives in support of the bipartisan budget agreement that provides sequestration relief and avoids a catastrophic default. Read more.

Mr. Speaker,

I rise in support of the bipartisan budget agreement that will come before us here in the house soon. It restores critical funding for our nation’s defense and domestic priorities in a balanced fashion, sparing us from the mindless meat axe cuts of sequestration.

Under previous Republican budget proposals, spending on domestic programs would have fallen to its lowest level in 50 years.

It’s the threat of uncertainty of those indiscriminate cuts that’s held back our economy.  

This agreement also pulls us back from the brink of defaulting on our nation’s credit. Although I’m astounded at how some of our colleagues continue to advocate for such a catastrophe that would send a shockwave through the global economy, we avert that in this agreement.

Mr. Speaker, governing is about the art of compromise.Today’s agreement, not perfect, represents that principle. I hope your successor, and frankly, more of the members on your side of the aisle, will embrace that spirit moving forward in this Congress so once again we can start delivering for the American people.

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