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Connolly Statement Following Oversight Chairman's Admission Planned Parenthood Has Not Violated Any Laws

Congressman Gerald E. Connolly's statement following House Oversight and Government Reform Chairman Jason Chaffetz's admission last night that there is no evidence Planned Parenthood has violated any laws. Read more.

Congressman Gerald E.  Connolly’s statement following House Oversight and Government Reform Chairman Jason Chaffetz’s admission last night that there is no evidence Planned Parenthood has violated any laws:

“The Chairman’s admission on national television that there is absolutely no evidence Planned Parenthood has broken any laws and that this week’s one-sided hearing was about nothing more than scoring cheap political points at the expense of women’s health, though not surprising, is shameful and should be condemned.

“This is the second revelation in the last two days by Republican leaders that their “investigations” are not about oversight but nothing more than misogynistic attacks for political reasons.  

“First, the Majority Leader admitted the Benghazi Select Committee, Congress’s longest-running investigation in recent history, is only a means to attack Secretary Hillary Clinton. Then last night, the Chairman of Congress’s leading oversight committee was forced to confess that there is absolutely no evidence Planned Parenthood has broken the law, leaving the American public to conclude the Republican Majority is abusing congressional oversight to further their own political agenda.

“The Benghazi Select Committee has proven to be one of the most biased, one-side investigations in congressional history. Given the Chairman’s own words, I see no reason taxpayers should be asked to pay for yet another witch hunt in creating another Select Committee to investigate Planned Parenthood.”

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