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Connolly Statement on Metro Report on August 6 Derailment

The failure of Metro to accurately identify the cause of the derailment through two layers of inspection lays bare the grossly inadequate culture of safety and competence which has plagued the system for too long.

The failure of Metro to accurately identify the cause of the derailment through two layers of inspection lays bare the grossly inadequate culture of safety and competence which has plagued the system for too long.

While the resignation of two employees directly involved in the inspection process offers some modicum of accountability, I hope the Metro board will not hesitate to take further disciplinary actions, if necessary, upon completion of this investigation.

Sadly, this report again underscores the dire risks for an agency of Metro's size operating for months without a permanent general manager. The board must act post haste to fill the leadership void.

The safety crisis at Metro is the direct result of a lack of leadership at all levels. Swift action is necessary to protect Metro riders and personnel at all times and restore confidence among Metro's riders and supporters.

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