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Connolly Statement on the Clean Power Plan

Congressman Connolly issued the following statement on the Clean Power Plan. Read more.

Congressman Connolly issued the following statement on the Clean Power Plan.

Climate change poses a real and growing threat to our children, our families, our national security, and our economy. We cannot afford to wait to act on climate change.

The Clean Power Plan lays the foundation for America’s energy future. We have an opportunity and the ability to make our economy and our communities stronger by investing in proven clean energy technologies to improve efficiency and reliability.

This balanced approach will reduce power-sector carbon pollution 32 percent from 2005 levels in 2030, and provides states greater flexibility and renewable energy incentives to meet these attainable goals. This plan will save the average American family about $85 annually on their energy bill by 2030, and have important public health benefits, including an 88% decline in premature death.

I applaud the President and the EPA for their leadership on the Clean Power Plan, and look forward to working with state and local partners in supporting and implementing this important effort.

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