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Connolly Statement on House Passage of Tax Extenders Package

Congressman Connolly released the following statement in support of the tax extenders package that passed the House on Thursday. Read more.

Congressman Connolly released the following statement in support of the tax extenders package:

“The tax extenders bill is an important victory for Northern Virginia and a step forward for the nation.  Like President Obama, I believe this package represents a bipartisan compromise that makes permanent a number of improvements to tax credits benefitting working and middle-class Americans, while encouraging U.S. companies to invest in innovation. But most importantly, it is a great deal for Northern Virginia.

It permanently extends the Research and Development Tax Credit, critically important to the success of Northern Virginia’s high-tech industry, fostering innovation and American competitiveness. It invests in middle-class families by making permanent the Earned-Income Tax Credit, the enhanced child tax credit, and theAmerican Opportunity Tax credit to make college more affordable. It restores long-overdue transit benefit parity, putting money back in the pockets of transit riders and improving Metro’s financial outlook at a critical time for the system by offering an incentive for expanded ridership. It extends environmental and conservation tax credits necessary to develop a 21st century clean energy future. And it protects charitable donations that help community non-profits serve those in need. For all those reasons, I joined President Obama and 76 other Democrats in supporting this legislation.”

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