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Thompson-Connolly Introduce Bipartisan Measure to Ensure Trade Partners Are Active in Recovery Efforts of Missing Service Members

U.S. Representatives Gerry Connolly and Glenn ‘GT' Thompson (PA-05) H. Con. Res. 56, a resolution to ensure transparency and efficiency with countries that enter into future trade deals with the United States, in the research and recovery efforts of our nation's missing service members. Read more.

Today, U.S. Representatives Gerry Connolly and  Glenn ‘GT’ Thompson (PA-05)  H. Con. Res. 56, a resolution to ensure transparency and efficiency with countries that enter into future trade deals with the United States, in the research and recovery efforts of our nation’s missing service members. 

“We have a sacred compact with the men and women who serve our nation in uniform. They make untold sacrifices on behalf of the safety and security of the United States, and we vow to support them and their families in every way that we can,” Congressman Connolly said.  “When a service member makes the ultimate sacrifice, it is our duty to ensure they are returned home to their loved ones.  This measure would improve collaboration with foreign countries on the recovery of our fallen heroes who have not yet made it home.” 

“As a father of an injured Army solider, I am thankful every day that my son returned home safely,” said Congressman Thompson.  “For those who made the ultimate sacrifice, their families and loved ones deserve no less than our greatest efforts for recovery.  This bipartisan resolution makes it clear that we as Americans take promises to our service members very seriously and we are hopeful that trade partners will become partners in our ongoing recovery efforts,” Thompson added.

According to the Department of Defense, more than 80,000 American citizens who served in the Vietnam War, Korean War and World War II are still missing in action.

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