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Connolly Joins House Democrats' Sit-In to Protest Congressional Inaction on Guns

Today, Representative Gerry Connolly joined other House Democrats in a sit-in on the House Floor to protest congressional inaction on gun safety in the aftermath of the most recent gun violence tragedy in Orlando, Florida. Connolly released the following statement. Read more.

Today, Representative Gerry Connolly joined other House Democrats in a sit-in on the House Floor to protest congressional inaction on gun safety in the aftermath of the most recent gun violence tragedy in Orlando, Florida. Connolly released the following statement:

“The violence must end. In the wake of these almost weekly tragedies, the response from Congress is as predictable as it is disappointing. We offer our thoughts and prayers. We hold a moment of silence; anything to distract from the central cause, and common instrument, of these crimes. How many more must die before Congress acts?

“Today, I was proud to join Rep. John Lewis and House Democrats to once again call on Speaker Ryan to bring up a vote on the No Guns for Terrorists bill. Instead of acting, the House Majority decided to shut off the cameras to the People’s House.”

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