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Connolly Calls for Significant Personnel Changes at Metro

Congressman Gerry Connolly released the following statement calling for significant personnel changes at Metro. Read more.

Congressman Gerry Connolly released the following statement calling for significant personnel changes at Metro:

“Today’s inspection of power cables throughout the Metrorail system revealed disturbing safety shortfalls that should have been identified and fixed immediately following last year’s tragic L’Enfant incident, if not sooner. Based on the images released by Metro, several of those cables were at risk of causing another fire.

This is a sad and sober reminder of the risks of failing to maintain and modernize the core infrastructure of our aging Metro system. The crippling commuting conditions created by this unprecedented shutdown also underscore the critical importance of Metro to the region and the federal government. This should serve as a clarion call for Metro’s local, state, and federal funding partners to work together to provide the robust oversight and investments necessary to ensure Metro is safe and to restore rider confidence.

This incident highlights the need for General Manager Wiedefeld to make significant personnel changes at the highest levels of Metro’s management. Those responsible for allowing these issues to languish should step down or be removed.”

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