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National Capital Delegation Sends Letter to Kawasaki on 7000-series Delays

Today, Members of the National Capital Region congressional delegation sent a letter to Kawasaki highlighting their concerns with delays in the delivery of 7000-series cars to Metro and urging a swift resolution to the problems. Read more.

Today, Members of the National Capital Region congressional delegation sent a letter to Kawasaki highlighting their concerns with delays in the delivery of 7000-series cars to Metro and urged a swift resolution to the problems.

“It is our understanding that, working with Metro, you have identified issues related to metal curing, car assembly, and IT systems. In fact, the severity of these challenges has led to the slowing or closing of the production line at your Nebraska facility,” the delegation writes.

Noting the significant safety improvements of these railcars, the delegation said the 7000-series cars allow Metro to begin replacing its oldest 1000-series cars and to address a critical safety recommendation of the National Transportation Safety Board. The delegation adds, "it is imperative that Kawasaki Rail Car Inc. work expeditiously with Metro to resolve any outstanding issues with the 7000-series.”

The Members also highlight that any delay in the delivery of the cars could undermine efforts to keep federal funding on track.

"We share the frustrations of our constituents who have long expected the 7000-series railcars to increase Metrorail reliability and safety. We look forward to a swift resolution to these matters so that we can expand deployment of the 7000-series cars."

The letter was signed by Representatives Connolly, Hoyer, Beyer, Van Hollen, Comstock, Edwards, Delaney, Sarbanes, and D.C. Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton.

The full letter can be found here.

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