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Connolly, Johnson, Colleagues Urge Justice Thomas To Recuse In Trump Immunity Case

Letter To Thomas: Your Wife’s Intimate Involvement In ‘Stop The Steal’ Raises Serious Questions About Your Impartiality

Congressman Gerry Connolly (D-VA-11) joined Congressman Hank Johnson (D-GA-04), the top Democrat on the Judiciary Subcommittee overseeing the courts, and six House colleagues in sending a letter to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas this weekend urging him to recuse himself in the Trump immunity case.

The letter highlights his wife’s “intimate involvement in the effort to overturn the 2020 election and to obstruct its certification – the very conspiracies at issue in this case,” the lawmakers wrote. “Your wife’s activities raise serious questions about your ability to be or even to appear impartial in any cases before the Supreme Court involving the 2020 election and the January 6th insurrection.”

“If you want to show the American people that the Supreme Court’s recent Code of Conduct is worth more than the paper it is written on, you must do the honorable thing and recuse yourself from any decisions in the case of United States v. Trump.”

In addition to Connolly and Johnson, the letter was signed by Reps. Jamie Raskin (MD), Madeleine Dean (PA), Sheila Jackson Lee (TX), Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY), Jasmine Crockett (TX) and Dan Goldman (NY).

Read the full letter HERE.
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