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Connolly Statement on the FTA's WMATA Stop Signal Overrun Investigation

Congressman Gerry Connolly released the following statement on the FTA's WMATA stop signal overrun investigation released today. Read more.

Congressman Gerry Connolly released the following statement on the FTA's WMATA stop signal overrun investigation released today:

“Unlike previous safety reports from the FTA, the challenge with red signal violations cannot be addressed simply by fixing a section of track or cables. These are human errors caused collectively by train operators and managers in the Rail Operations Control Center, who FTA cited for unfamiliarity with signal locations, inattentiveness, and poor communication. It underscores what can go wrong when frontline employees don’t take seriously their role in protecting riders and fellow employees.

"I am pleased that FTA acknowledged Metro’s new leadership is making progress in its effort to rebuild a safety culture, but this again shows the monumental task ahead of them.”  

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