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Chairman Connolly, Ranking Member Hice Seek Information from Agencies to Streamline How Government Serves Constituents

CASES Act makes it easier for congressional offices to help constituents access federal benefits and services

Today, Rep. Gerald E. Connolly and Rep. Jody Hice, Chairman and Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Government Operations, sent letters to several federal agencies requesting information about the implementation of the Creating Advanced Streamlined Electronic (CASES) for Constituents Act of 2019, which requires agencies to accept digital signatures on privacy forms that enable members of Congress to work with those agencies on behalf of constituents.  The Members sent letters to five federal agencies that frequently interact with congressional offices—the Department of Veterans Affairs, Internal Revenue Service, United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, Social Security Administration, and Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

“Consistent implementation of the law is crucial to avoid putting additional burdens on constituents seeking assistance with federal agencies and to fulfill congressional intent to simplify the casework process,” the Members wrote.  “Your input will inform future oversight efforts of CASES Act implementation.”

Congress passed the CASES Act in 2019, amending the Privacy Act of 1974 and permitting agencies to accept digital signatures on required authorization forms.  This change makes it easier for constituents to seek assistance from their Member of Congress in accessing a variety of critical government services, including VA benefits, disaster and COVID-19 relief, and healthcare.  The law required the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to issue guidance to federal agencies mandating the use of online digital forms by November 12, 2021. 

In today’s letters, Chairman Connolly and Ranking Member Hice requested that the agencies provide information about the steps they have taken to implement the CASES Act and any obstacles to implementation.

Click here to read the letter to the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Click here to read the letter to the Internal Revenue Service.

Click here to read the letter to the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services.

Click here to read the letter to the Social Security Administration.

Click here to read the letter to Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.

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