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Virginia to Receive $4.2 Billion in State and Local Recovery Funds from the American Rescue Plan

Funds include $223 million for Fairfax County and $91 million for Prince William County

Today, Congressman Gerry Connolly (D-VA), highlighted the more than $4.2 billion in Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds that the U.S. Department of Treasury is releasing to Virginia as part of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021. Of these funds, Fairfax County will receive nearly $223 million, Prince William County will receive more than $91 million, and Fairfax City will receive more than $4.5 million. These funds will provide vital resources for Virginia’s families and communities.

“The coronavirus pandemic has devastated families and communities across the nation in so many different ways,” said Connolly. “Because of the State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds provided in the American Rescue Plan, states, localities, Tribes, and territories now have access to $350 billion in flexible relief funds to help struggling households and businesses build back better from the pandemic.”

The Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds provide substantial flexibility to meet local needs.  In addition to allowing for flexible spending up to the level of their revenue loss, recipients can use funds to:

  • Support public health expenditures;

  • Address negative economic impacts caused by the public health emergency;

  • Aid the communities and populations hardest hit by the crisis;

  • Provide premium pay for essential workers; and

  • Invest in water, sewer, and broadband infrastructure. 

“Thanks to Democrats’ commitment to protecting the lives and livelihoods of Virginia families and all Americans, the American Rescue Plan funding released today will help ensure a strong and equitable recovery from the coronavirus pandemic,” Connolly continued. “I will continue working with my colleagues on behalf of the people of Virginia to ensure needs are met as we move forward to Build Back Better For The People.”

Click here to read more from the Department of Treasury.

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