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Connolly Announces Rep. Porter to Serve as Vice Chair for Government Operations Subcommittee

Today, Rep. Gerald E. Connolly, the Chairman of the Subcommittee on Government Operations, announced the selection of Rep. Katie Porter as the Subcommittee’s Vice Chair.


“No one does more homework or comes more prepared for a hearing than Representative Porter,” Chairman Connolly said.  “Her leadership, talent, and signature whiteboard will be invaluable as we work to save the United States Postal Service, revitalize a federal workforce that was attacked by the Trump Administration, work to modernize antiquated information technology systems across government, and ensure states and local governments have the tools they need to help families and businesses recover from the pandemic and economic collapse.” 


"Our duty to the American people is to invest their tax dollars in programs that actually get families the help they need," Vice Chair Porter said. "The Oversight Subcommittee on Government Operations is at the forefront of cracking down on waste, fraud, and abuse that undermines our responsibility to taxpayers. I'm honored to serve as Vice Chair and excited to help lead efforts to defend the U.S. Postal Service, protect whistleblowers, and restore good government."


The 117th Congress marks the second term as Chairman of the Government Operations Subcommittee for Rep. Connolly, who represents Virginia’s 11th district.  This term is the first on the Subcommittee for Ms. Porter who represents California’s 45th district.


Last week, the Government Operations Subcommittee held a hearing on revitalizing the federal workforce in the aftermath of the Trump administration. During the hearing Vice Chair Porter dug into problems plaguing the vacant Merit Systems Protection Board, which is in place to protect federal whistleblowers. Video is available here


The Subcommittee has legislative and oversight jurisdiction over the federal civil service; whistleblower protections; the U.S. Postal Service; federal inspectors general; federal information technology, security, acquisition policy, and management; intergovernmental affairs with state, local, and tribal governments; and federal property — among other critical areas. 

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