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Connolly Statement on WMATA IG MetroAccess Report

Congressman Gerry Connolly, Chairman of the House Government Operations subcommittee, released the following statement on today’s WMATA Inspector Generalreportthat found that WMATA is not accurately and transparently reporting on-time performance for the MetroAccess Paratransit in a manner consistent with FTA guidance. The OIG also recommends that WMATA start using real-time traffic data to determine routes.


“I want to thank the WMATA Office of Inspector General for conducting this investigation into the MetroAccess Paratransit program. MetroAccess is a vital transportation service for those in our region who cannot access rail or bus due to a disability. The recommendations made in this report will help improve riders’ experience with much needed transparency and performance reforms, including a better accounting of trip length and on-time performance as well as a commitment to identify and work with riders who are consistently experiencing delays. We need MetroAccess to work for the people it serves, and I hope this investigation helps improve transportation accessibility for our disability community.”


The full IG report can be found  here

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