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Congressional Delegation Seeks Mass Vaccination Site in Northern Virginia

Today U.S. Representatives Gerry Connolly (D-VA), Don Beyer (D-VA), and Jennifer Wexton (D-VA)  wrote to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) requesting a community vaccination site for Northern Virginia. The Biden Administration’s plan to defeat COVID-19 includes a proposal for 100 community mass vaccination sites across the United States.  


In their letter, they wrote:

“Northern Virginia already has the capacity. Our localities are eager and ready, and they have the capability to vaccinate thousands more people than they currently have vaccine supply for. For example, Arlington County is receiving roughly 2,700 doses per week but has the capacity to do at least 1,000 per day. Staffing is not the limiting factor, supply is.” 


“Northern Virginia also has the demand. The city of Alexandria, comprising 160,000 people, has a vaccine waiting list of over 25,000, and neighboring Fairfax County has a vaccine waiting list of over 100,000 people. According to survey data gathered through Facebook by Carnegie Mellon University’s Delphi Lab, Northern Virginia also has the highest demand for vaccines in the country.”


The Northern Virginia Regional Commission estimates that Northern Virginia jurisdictions have the capacity to administer 70,000 vaccinations per week, but are currently administered fewer than half that number. A signed copy of the letter is available here, and text follows below.



The Honorable Robert J. Fenton, Jr.                              

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

500 C Street, SW, Room 8 SW

Washington, DC 20472


Dear Acting Administrator Fenton: 


We write to request that Northern Virginia be considered for a community vaccination site.


We are heartened by the new leadership that the Biden Administration plans to bring on to combat the coronavirus pandemic and are encouraged by the initiatives included in the Biden-Harris plan to defeat COVID-19, including the proposal for 100 community mass vaccination sites.[1] We believe Northern Virginia to be well suited for such a site. 


Northern Virginia already has the capacity. Our localities are eager and ready, and they have the capability to vaccinate thousands more people than they currently have vaccine supply for. For example, Arlington County is receiving roughly 2,700 doses per week but has the capacity to do at least 1,000 per day. Staffing is not the limiting factor, supply is. 


Northern Virginia also has the demand. The city of Alexandria, comprising 160,000 people, has a vaccine waiting list of over 25,000, and neighboring Fairfax County has a vaccine waiting list of over 100,000 people. According to survey data gathered through Facebook by Carnegie Mellon University’s Delphi Lab, Northern Virginia also has the highest demand for vaccines in the country.[2] Arlington County is the jurisdiction with the highest percent of individuals willing to be vaccinated across the country, at 92%, followed closely by its neighboring jurisdictions in Northern Virginia. 


A vaccination site in Northern Virginia is the easiest way to meet supply with demand right now and to help the President’s goal of a strong vaccination rollout for his first 100 days. 



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