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Chair Connolly and Maloney Issue Statements on District Court Ordering Postal Service to Take Further Action to Reverse DeJoy’s Harmful Changes

Today, Rep. Carolyn B. Maloney, the Chairwoman of the Committee on Oversight and Reform, and Rep. Gerald E. Connolly, the Chairman of the Subcommittee on Government Operations, issued the following statements after the District Court for the District of Columbia ordered that the U.S. Postal Service must take specific immediate steps to reverse mail collection limits and to increase the on-time delivery of Election Mail less than a week out from the presidential election:


“I applaud the Court’s ruling that demands—with daily judicial oversight—that the Postal Service fully reverse any and all of the sweeping changes rushed through by Postmaster General DeJoy that have caused nationwide delays that persist to this day,” Chairwoman Maloney said.  “These Postal Service delays are now jeopardizing the delivery of election mail, so I encourage all Americans who have not yet voted to vote in person or use designated election drop boxes.”


“This order further emphasizes that Postmaster General DeJoy has either been unable or unwilling to fix what he broke within the Postal Service and to get our mail delivery back to what it was before he started on the job,” Chairman Connolly said.  “I certainly hope that Judge Sullivan’s actions work, but with serious delays in performance continuing, particularly in certain urban areas, I urge any American who has not yet voted to do so in person or by delivering their ballot to properly designated election offices or drop boxes.”


The ruling will require the Postal Service to:


  • Inform employees by today that “the guidelines issued on July 14, 2020, by USPS Vice President of Logistics, Robert Cintron, regarding the use of late and extra trips are rescinded.”


  • Perform late and extra trips “to the maximum extent necessary to increase on-time mail deliveries, particularly Election Mail.”


  • Provide employees by 9 a.m. tomorrow “a list of state-specific statutory ballot receipt deadlines so that USPS managers and employees can implement the Election Mail guidance that Defendants (the Postal Service) recently issued.” 


  • Until the Court orders otherwise, “file with the Court by 10:00 AM each day:  (1) updated data on the number of extra and late trips performed the preceding day, at the Nation, Area, and District level, including any available data that is specific to Election Mail, to the maximum extent feasible; (2) updated data on the percentage of on-time deliveries at the Nation, Area, and District level, including any available data that is specific to Election Mail to the maximum extent feasible.”
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