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Connolly Priorities Included in Moving Forward Act

Congressman Gerry Connolly (D-VA), Chairman of the Subcommittee on Government Operations, released the following statement on the passage of the Moving Forward Act (H.R. 2) by the House of Representatives. The legislation includes provisions championed by Connolly to reauthorize federal funding for WMATA and reinstate the Build America Bonds program.


“The Moving Forward Act includes many of the reforms the National Capital Region sought to achieve through the Metro Accountability and Investment Act, including more independence for the WMATA Office of Inspector General, an overall increase in annual federal funding, and operating funds for the OIG. In passing H.R. 2, the House has moved us closer to institutional reform for WMATA and offers us a real opportunity to help rebuild America’s infrastructure.


“The Build America Bonds program is an incredibly efficient and cost-effective way to repair our crumbling infrastructure, create jobs, stimulate the economy, and lower borrowing costs for state and local governments. I introduced legislation to reinstate the Build America Bonds program nearly a decade ago, and I am thrilled that the House has now advanced this longstanding priority of mine.”


The Moving Forward Act passed the House 233-188.  Full text of the legislation can be found here. 
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