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Connolly Statement on House Oversight Committee’s Report on the Trump Administration’s Efforts To Transfer U.S. Nuclear Technology to Saudi Arabia

Today, Congressman Gerry Connolly, Chairman of the Government Operations subcommittee, released the following statement on the House Committee on Oversight and Reform second interim staff report, “Corporate and Foreign Interests Behind White House Push to Transfer U.S. Nuclear Technology to Saudi Arabia.”

“The gravity of this report cannot be ignored. While it’s unsurprising that senior Trump Administration officials ignored obvious conflicts of interest and covered up unethical communications that trade influence for personal profit, these acts threaten our nation’s security. In this instance, the de rigueur improprieties of the Trump Administration risk nuclear proliferation in the Middle East and threaten global security. We must not be so inured to corruption in the Trump era to let this go unaddressed. Our Committee must complete this investigation with the full cooperation of the White House and executive branch agencies.”

The Committee’s second interim report is based on more than 60,000 pages of new documents produced to the Committee in response to requests that Chairman Cummings made to a host of outside companies about their involvement with plans to transfer U.S. nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia.
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