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Connolly Statement on SCOTUS Census Decision

Congressman Gerry Connolly (D-VA), Chairman of the House Government Operations subcommittee, released the following statement on today’s Supreme Court census decision:

“Shortly before the Administration announced its plan to add a citizenship question to the decennial census, I spoke personally with Secretary Wilbur Ross to share my deep concerns about the harm such a question would do to the integrity and accuracy of the Census. What was clear at the time of the phone call, and has now been confirmed by the Supreme Court, is that Mr. Ross had already made up his mind and was just checking a box. Now, after testimony, rigorous oversight, and the revelation of the Hofeller documents made available posthumously, the Supreme Court has ruled that Secretary Ross lied to Congress and the American public. This is a vindication of the work of the House Oversight Committee and demonstrates the importance of our ongoing investigations and oversight responsibilities.

There is everlasting shame brought to the Trump Administration in its original motivations to add this question. It was designed to suppress the participation of minorities, people of color, and immigrants, all in a reprehensible effort to diminish their representation, including in the U.S. Congress. The fact that this would be the case debases the whole purpose of having an accurate Census, as is required by the Constitution of the United States.

While a narrow majority of the Supreme Court upheld the clear constitutional intent of the census, and struck a blow for democracy in the process, it remains deeply disturbing that four members of the highest court would, nonetheless, think it is acceptable to countenance the mendacity and patently partisan political intent of the Administration to manipulate the census to its own ends. This is a stain these justices will wear forever."

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