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Connolly, Beyer, and Wexton Urge OPM To Expand Telework Flexibility During Upcoming Metro Shutdown

Today, Virginia Reps. Gerry Connolly, Don Beyer, and Jennifer Wexton sent a letter urging the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) to issue guidance to federal agencies expanding telework options during the upcoming Metro shutdown. The Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority’s (WMATA) Platform Improvement Project will close six Yellow and Blue Line stations in Northern Virginia from May 25 to September 8.

They wrote:

“In the past, the Office of Personnel Management has issued guidance for agencies to provide expanded telework policies during situations like these. During the Metro SafeTrack project of 2016, OPM required agencies to review and update their policies related to workplace flexibilities and telework, and again during Metro construction last year OPM encouraged agencies to provide more telework options – which has greatly eased the traffic gridlock in the region and the commuting-related distress of a large portion of the federal workforce.

“The station closures will begin in just five days, but OPM has not yet issued guidance on expanded telework options for federal employees. In keeping with past agency practice ahead of major Metro construction projects, we urge you to expand telework options for federal employees for the entirety of the Platform Improvement Project.”

A signed copy of the letter is available here, and full text of the letter is below. Beyer and Wexton are cosponsors of Connolly’s recently-introduced legislation which would increase federal funding for WMATA as long as key safety and reliability standards are met.

The Honorable Margaret Weichert
Acting Director
Office of Personnel Management
Washington, D.C.

Dear Acting Director Weichert,

We write ahead of the summer Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) Platform Improvement Project, during which six WMATA stations will be closed in Northern Virginia. The closure of these six Blue and Yellow line stations will affect thousands of federal employees, who will have a challenging commute to work in Northern Virginia, Washington, D.C., and Maryland for the entire summer, lasting from May 25 through September 8.

In the past, the Office of Personnel Management has issued guidance for agencies to provide expanded telework policies during situations like these. During the Metro SafeTrack project of 2016, OPM required agencies to review and update their policies related to workplace flexibilities and telework, and again during Metro construction last year OPM encouraged agencies to provide more telework options – which has greatly eased the traffic gridlock in the region and the commuting-related distress of a large portion of the federal workforce.

The station closures will begin in just five days, but OPM has not yet issued guidance on expanded telework options for federal employees. In keeping with past agency practice ahead of major Metro construction projects, we urge you to expand telework options for federal employees for the entirety of the Platform Improvement Project.
Thank you for your timely attention to this matter.

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