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Connolly-Kinzinger Introduce the Georgia Support Act

Today, co-chairs of the Georgia Caucus Representatives Gerry Connolly (D-VA) and Adam Kinzinger (R-IL), introduced H.R. 598 the Georgia Support Act. The legislation asserts the United States of America’s continued support for the independence and sovereignty of Georgia, recognizes Georgia’s commitment to democratic values including free and fair elections, and affirms U.S. opposition to Russian aggression in the region.

In Georgia’s occupied regions of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, Russia has fomented unrest, aided separatist movements, and committed serious human rights abuses, including ongoing detentions and killings. Russian forces continue to harass civilian communities along the administrative boundary line and impede the right of return of internally displaced persons. The Georgia Support Act bolsters Georgia’s territorial integrity by authorizing sanctions against those responsible for or complicit in human rights violations in these occupied territories.

"I am proud to reintroduce the Georgia Support Act, which strengthens the vital U.S.-Georgia partnership, a strategically important relationship in a critical part of the world. This bill demonstrates the United States' robust support of Georgia's sovereignty, continued democratic development, and security, especially in the face of Russian aggression,” said Congressman Gerry Connolly. “As the head of the U.S. delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, I am pleased that this bill recognizes that Georgia has been a longstanding NATO-aspirant country.”

“For years, Georgia has worked towards independence and complete separation from an aggressive and encroaching neighbor in Russia. I believe the United States plays a pivotal role in encouraging our Georgian allies, and this legislation solidifies our support for their sovereignty and security,” said Congressman Kinzinger. “Thank you to my colleague, Rep. Connolly, for his work and commitment to a strong U.S.-Georgia partnership.”

The Georgia Support Act passed the 115th Congress on December 12, 2018. Text of the legislation is available here.
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