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Connolly to Hold 10th Annual Open Season Event for Federal Employees, Retirees, and Veterans on December 1

Congressman Gerry Connolly will hold his 10th annual Open Season Workshop on Saturday, December 1, 2018 to assist federal employees, retirees, service members, and veterans in navigating changes to the 2019 Federal Employees Health Benefits Plans (FEHBP), and dental and vision insurance programs.

This year, the federal government’s Open Season for federal employees and retirees to change their health plans runs from November 12, 2018 through December 10, 2018.

Two major changes for 2019 directly affect active duty and retired service members. The Tricare Retiree Dental Program will be discontinued effective December 31, 2018, but those who were eligible under that plan will be able to enroll in one of the FEDVIP dental plans available to all federal employees and retirees. In addition, for the first time ever, the families of active-duty service members may be eligible to enroll in vision coverage through FEDVIP if those family members are currently enrolled in a TRICARE health plan. Those wishing to participate in either of these plans must enroll during open season.

The workshop will take place at the Fairfax County Government Center, 12000 Government Center Pkwy, Fairfax, VA 22035, from 10:00am to 1:00pm. A panel of experts, including representatives from the various healthcare plans, will be available to provide information and answer questions.

“It is crucial that federal employees and retirees fully understand potential changes in their current plans so that they can decide whether there is another option that better suits their needs,” said Connolly. “I encourage all federal employees, retirees, service members, and veterans to make sure they have the coverage they need by attending my Open Season Workshop on December 1st," he added.

Congressman Connolly has held an Open Season event each year since he took office in January 2009.
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