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Oversight Republicans Block 11 More Subpoenas for a Total of 64 Motions Denied

Today, during a business meeting of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, Republicans blocked consideration of 11 more Democratic requests to allow Committee Members to offer, debate, and vote on subpoenas—bringing the total number of subpoena motions denied by Oversight Committee Republicans during Donald Trump’s Presidency to 64.

“For the last two years, I have implored House Republicans to help us gather the facts about the crisis of corruption in the Trump Administration,” Cummings said. “The waste, fraud, and abuse is plain to see—and the Oversight Committee should be using its authority to fulfill its duty under the Constitution to act as an independent check on the Executive Branch. It is time to actually hold the Trump Administration accountable to the American people.”

Since Rep. Trey Gowdy assumed his role as Chairman, the Oversight Committee has issued only one subpoena—to a Department of Homeland Security career employee—despite the Trump Administration’s refusal to respond to dozens of requests for documents, including requests from Gowdy himself.

Gowdy issued 14 subpoenas during his tenure as Chairman of the Benghazi Committee investigating the Obama Administration and then-presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

“Today marks the sixth time that we, as Democrats, have asked during business meetings to let our Committee vote on subpoenas covering issues of critical importance to the American people,” Connolly said. “If we cannot obtain the documents and testimony, we will be unable to conduct the vigorous oversight the American people elected us to do. We will continue to insist that this Committee conduct vigorous oversight. The American people are counting on us to do our jobs.”

64 Subpoena Motions Blocked by Oversight Committee Republicans

To date, Oversight Committee Republicans have blocked a total of 64 subpoena requests for critical documents and testimony being withheld by the Trump Administration and others relating to matters within the Oversight Committee’s core oversight jurisdiction.

At today’s business meeting, Republicans blocked a Democratic motion to issue 11 subpoenas:

64. Departments of Justice, Homeland Security, and Health and Human Services Withholding Documents on Trump Administration Child Separation Policy
63. Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross Withholding Testimony on Census 2020 Citizenship Question
62. Department of Veterans Affairs Withholding Documents Relating to Reports that Mar-a-Lago Members Influencing Department Decisions
61. White House Withholding Report and Documents on Security Clearance Process Required by Law
60. White House Withholding Documents on Revocation of John Brennan Security Clearance
59. White House Withholding Documents on John Bolton Security Clearance
58. State Department Withholding Documents on Retaliation
57. OPM Refusing to Provide Briefing on Complying with Court Order
56. Department of Health and Human Services and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Withholding Documents on Medicaid Work Requirements
55. Department of Health and Human Services and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Withholding Documents on Scrubbing of Department Websites
54. State Department Withholding Documents on Decision to Close Cyber Office

At a hearing on July 24, 2018, Republicans blocked a subpoena to compel the Director of National Intelligence to testify before the Oversight Committee about the extent of the Russian threat to our country and our elections.

53. Republicans immediately moved to table the subpoena motion and voted along party lines to block debate on the motion.

At a business meeting on July 17, 2018, Republicans blocked Democratic requests to consider six subpoena motions:

52. Department of Justice Withholding Documents About Refusal to Defend the Affordable Care Act in Court
51. Black Cube Withholding Documents on “Dirty Ops” Operation
50. White House Withholding Documents on Contractor Wanted for Attempted Murder
49. State Department Withholding Documents on Political Loyalty Lists
48. Department of Health and Human Services Withholding Documents on Title X Family Planning Program Proposed Gag Rule
47. Environmental Protection Agency Withholding Documents on Freedom of Information Act

At a hearing on July 12, 2018, Republicans blocked a subpoena to compel Steve Bannon to testify before the Oversight and Judiciary Committees about his involvement with law enforcement actions before, during, and after the 2016 election.

46. Republicans immediately moved to table the subpoena motion and then voted along party lines to block debate on the motion.

At a business meeting on May 23, 2018, Republicans blocked Democratic requests to consider 12 subpoena motions.

45. Commerce Department and Census Bureau Withholding Documents on Citizenship Question
44. Department of Justice Withholding Documents on Request to Add Citizenship Question to Census
43. Department of Justice Withholding Documents on Politicized Hiring Allegations for Immigration Judges
42. Department of Homeland Security and Department of Justice Withholding Documents on Gag Order Against Whistleblowers
41. White House Withholding Information on Chartered Flights
40. White House Withholding Documents on Use of Private Email Accounts
39. Department of Justice Withholding Documents on Improper Attempt to Classify Dana Boente Notes
38. State Department and White House Withholding Documents and Testimony on “Cleaning” Out of Career Employees
37. White House Withholding Documents on Rejected Security Clearance Application for NSC Deputy Robin Townley
36. Cambridge Analytica Withholding Documents about Foreign Employees’ Participation in U.S. Elections
35. Department of Health and Human Services Withholding Documents on Effort to Strip Information from Women’s Health Website
34. The Federal Savings Bank Withholding Documents Relating to Loans Made to the President’s Campaign Chairman

At a hearing on May 18, 2018, Republicans blocked a subpoena to compel their own witness, a top appointee at the Department of Justice, to answer questions on the Trump Administration’s decision to add a citizenship question to the 2020 census.

33. Republicans immediately moved to table the subpoena motion and then voted along party lines to block debate on the motion.

At a business meeting on March 15, 2018, Republicans blocked Democratic requests to consider 13 subpoena motions.

32. White House Withholding Documents on Security Clearances
31. DHS Withholding Documents on Contract for Emergency Meals
30. White House Withholding Information on Deadly Niger Ambush
29. CBP Withholding Documents on Allegations of Sexual Assault by CBP Employees
28. Agencies Withholding Identities of Regulatory Reform Task Force Members
27. DOD Withholding Documents on Federal Response to Hurricanes
26. HHS Withholding Documents on Collaboration with Right-Wing Group to Rescind Medicaid Freedom-of-Choice Letter
25. DOI Withholding Documents on Reassignment of Employees
24. DOJ Withholding Documents on Communications with White House on AT&T Time-Warner Merger
23. TIGTA Withholding Response to Complaint
22. USDA Withholding Documents on Communications with Corporate Lobbyists
21. Trump Foundation Withholding Documents on Transfer of Assets to a Disqualified Person
20. Jared Kushner for Testimony at Emergency Hearing on Conflicts of Interest and Security Clearances

At a business meeting on February 6, 2018, Republicans blocked Democratic requests to consider 12 subpoena motions:

19. Trump Organization Withholding Documents on Foreign Payments
18. DHS Withholding Documents on Russian Attacks Against States Before Election
17. DHS Withholding Information from IG Report on Trump Muslim Ban
16. White House and HHS Withholding Documents on Biased Refugee Report
15. HHS Withholding Documents on Gag Order Against Whistleblowers
14. Kushner Withholding Emails That Violate Presidential Records Act
13. White House Withholding Documents on Security Clearance Suspensions
12. Transition Team and DOJ Withholding Flynn, Jr.’s Security Clearance Documents
11. White House Withholding Documents on Interim Security Clearances
10. Flynn and Business Partners Withholding Documents on Middle East Nuclear Deal
9. Data Firms Withholding Documents on Foreign Contacts During Election
8. OMB Withholding Agency Downsizing Plans
7. FDIC Withholding Documents on EPA Senior Advisor Banned from Banking

At a business meeting on November 2, 2017, Republicans blocked Democratic requests to consider six subpoena motions.

6. White House Withholding Documents on Flynn’s Foreign Contacts
5. White House Withholding Documents on Personal Email Use by Top Aides
4. Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump Withholding Documents on Emails
3. White House Withholding Documents on Hurricane Response
2. Governor Snyder Withholding Documents on Flint Water Investigation
1. Kushner Companies Withholding Documents on Alleged Housing Abuses

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