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Connolly Statement on Trump Reorganization Plan for the Federal Government

Congressman Gerry Connolly (D-VA), Vice Ranking Member of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, released the following statement on President Trump’s reorganization plan for the federal government:

“The Trump reorganization plan for the federal government is a wish list for anti-government ideologues not based in fact or study. Like every other plan rolled out by this Administration, this is a blueprint for failure that would create dysfunction and chaos in the federal government and do harm to Americans who rely on these services.

“The plan would merge two completely unrelated but important agencies. And it would shift essential services out of OPM, including retirement benefit services and FEHBP implementation, at precisely the wrong time. There are ways to improve efficiency and modernize the federal government. This isn't it.

“What is the more likely explanation for this reorganization? That the administration is proposing a sweeping reorganization to improve programs that help vulnerable populations. Or that the administration is cribbing off of the Heritage Foundation because this consolidation will make it easier to attack and cut these programs. Here is a hint: the Trump Budget eliminates Community Development Block Grants, cuts SNAP by 30%, and cuts HUD by 14% - all programs and agencies targeted by this reorganization. Don’t fall for this.”
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