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Conaway and Connolly Introduce Resolution Condemning North Korea Labor Camps

Yesterday, Representatives Congressman Mike Conaway (TX-11) and Gerry Connolly (VA- 11) introduced H.Res. 763, a resolution calling on North Korea to dismantle its labor camp system.

“Congress must come together with one voice to condemn North Korea’s abhorrent labor camps,” said Congressman Gerry Connolly. “Our resolution sends a clear message to Pyongyang that we will not turn a blind eye to the atrocities and human rights abuses the regime has committed."

“The deliberate, systemic human rights abuses coming out of the labor camps in North Korea are absolutely horrifying,” said Congressman Mike Conaway. “The crimes committed in the prison camps include murder, mass extermination, torture, sexual violence, and other inhumane acts. Innocent individuals can be sent to these camps for any reason, from listening to pop music or creasing a picture of a North Korean leader to persecution for Christian beliefs. Once imprisoned, Christians receive especially harsh treatment. Furthermore, pregnant women are violently beaten and tortured to induce abortions, ending pregnancies that are often the result of rape perpetrated by prison officials. These offenses, and the many more outlined in our resolution, are heinous violations of basic human rights. These conversations are incredibly difficult due to the gruesome nature of the labor camps, but it’s up to us to shed light on these cruelties and take a stand against them.”

The text of the resolution can be found here.

The resolution has been endorsed by DongHyuk Shin, a former prisoner and escapee of the notorious Camp 14. A letter of support is available here.  


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