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Connolly Statement on Republican Shutdown

Congressman Gerald E. Connolly (D-VA), released the following statement on the Republican shutdown:

"Republicans control the White House, the House and Senate and blame everyone but themselves for this government shutdown This is reckless, irresponsible and a complete abrogation of their constitutional duty to provide a functioning government. This is a failure of leadership and governance that discredits their legitimacy as a party. The consequences of another government shutdown will be felt by all Americans.

There are many pressing issues that the American public demands we address. And we are not far apart on a solution. Replacing sequestration caps, authorizing the Children’s Health Insurance Program and community health centers, and fixing DACA - a problem the President created - would find bipartisan support if Republicans allowed a vote.

I will remind my colleagues just how much their 2013 shutdown cost our economy. 850,000 federal employees were furloughed, costing the federal government $2.5 billion in lost productivity, pay and benefits. Locally, the national capital region lost more than $217 million per day in economic activity, and we lost $24 billion in national economic output. More than half a percent was shaved off annual GDP growth in the final quarter. We cannot afford another shutdown.

Republicans must stop lurching from manufactured crisis to crisis. Congress should pass a five-day continuing resolution so that we can continue to work towards a bipartisan, long-term funding agreement that addresses these concerns."


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