Connolly Statement on Republican Shutdown
January 20, 2018
Congressman Gerald E. Connolly (D-VA), released the following statement on the Republican shutdown:
There are many pressing issues that the American public demands we address. And we are not far apart on a solution. Replacing sequestration caps, authorizing the Children’s Health Insurance Program and community health centers, and fixing DACA - a problem the President created - would find bipartisan support if Republicans allowed a vote. I will remind my colleagues just how much their 2013 shutdown cost our economy. 850,000 federal employees were furloughed, costing the federal government $2.5 billion in lost productivity, pay and benefits. Locally, the national capital region lost more than $217 million per day in economic activity, and we lost $24 billion in national economic output. More than half a percent was shaved off annual GDP growth in the final quarter. We cannot afford another shutdown. Republicans must stop lurching from manufactured crisis to crisis. Congress should pass a five-day continuing resolution so that we can continue to work towards a bipartisan, long-term funding agreement that addresses these concerns."