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House Sends Charlottesville Resolution to President's Desk

Congressman Gerry Connolly (D-VA), co-author of H.J.Res 117, released the following statement after the House unanimously adopted the Senate-passed bipartisan resolution condemning the acts of violence carried out by the KKK, white nationalists, white supremacists and neo-Nazis. The legislation now heads to the President’s desk.

“Tonight, the House of Representatives spoke in one unified voice to unequivocally condemn the shameful and hate-filled acts of violence carried out by the KKK, white nationalists, white supremacists and neo-Nazis in Charlottesville. I hope this bipartisan action will help heal the wounds left in the aftermath of this tragedy and send a clear message to those that seek to divide our country that there is no place for hate and violence."

The Senate unanimously approved the legislation last night.

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