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Article: Connolly Secures $5 million in Federal Recovery Act Funds for Smart Grid Technology in Prince William County

Rep. Gerry Connolly, D-11th, asked U.S. Secretary of Energy Steven Chu for $5 million for the Northern Virginia Electric Cooperative, and got it, the Potomac News and Messenger said in an October 28 story.The grant, from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, will help the customer-owned cooperative create a smart grid to "improve efficiency and reliability of its electric generation and distribution network," Connolly said. Read more.


NOVEC gets $5M for upgrade

Potomac News & Messenger
October 28, 2009

Rep. Gerald E. "Gerry" Connolly, D-11th, asked U.S. Secretary of Energy Steven Chu for $5 million for the Northern Virginia Electric Cooperative, and got it.

The grant, from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, will help the cooperative create a smart grid to "improve efficiency and reliability of its electric generation and distribution network," stated a press release from Connolly's office.

Connolly wrote to Chu to back up NOVEC's grant proposal, and said in the letter that growth in the state will threaten the future reliability of electricity distribution.

The grant money, which will come to the cooperative over three years, will create about 75 jobs, the release stated.

Installing new software, hardware and remote digital equipment to make the grid "smart" will allow the cooperative to obtain more accurate information about its system, prevent outages and respond more rapidly and effectively when outages occur, according to the grant proposal.

The cooperative's 142,000 customers in Prince William and Fairfax counties stand to realize some savings once the project is completed, said NOVEC spokesman Mike Curtis. "Ultimately, it will support the foundation of technology implementation that will help customers save money,"

Curtis said of the smart grid that should be up and running in three years and will cost a total of $10 million. Roughly $5.3 million will go toward new equipment and $4.7 million will go toward design, installation and cyber-security, Curtis said.

The cooperative will start work on the smart grid as soon as the money arrives. It's a "shovel-ready" project.

"That was one of the requirements of the filing. We have a fairly limited time frame that all of this has to be done, so we're prepared to move forward," Curtis said. "We have a detailed schedule to meet all of the requirements of the application."

Here's more on the Smart Grid Technology grant secured by Congressman Connolly for the customer-owned Northern Virginia Electric Cooperative:

Connolly Secures $5 Million for Northern Virginia Electric Cooperative

Stimulus Funds Will Help NOVEC’s Smart Grid Plan to Improve Efficiency and Reliability of Electric Service

At the urging of Congressman Gerry Connolly, Manassas-based Northern Virginia Electric Cooperative (NOVEC) is receiving a $5 million in federal stimulus funding to deploy Smart Grid technology to improve efficiency and reliability of its electric generation and distribution network. Connolly notified NOVEC officials this morning that they will be receiving the federal grant.

NOVEC is one of 100 electric utilities around the nation receiving Smart Grid technology grants funded through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. President Obama is announcing the $3.4 billion investment in the technology today.

The funding is expected to create tens of thousands of jobs nationally, increase reliability of the nation’s electric supply grid, empower consumers to reduce electricity consumption, and put the nation on a path to get 20 percent or more of our energy from renewable sources by 2020. Connolly said the NOVEC grant would create about 75 jobs.

After meeting with NOVEC officials in September, Congressman Connolly wrote Secretary of Energy Steven Chu urging the Department of Energy to approve the Smart Grid technology grant request from NOVEC. “It is imperative that we improve the state’s efficiency and reliability of electric generation and distribution, as the growth in our state will otherwise threaten reliability of our electric supply,” Connolly said in his letter. “Moreover, we will not be able to achieve the energy savings goals established by Governor Kaine, which will help reach the President’s greenhouse gas emissions reduction objectives, without substantial investments in conservation and demand response technologies.”

Connolly said deployment of smart grid technology will enable power providers like NOVEC to track electricity consumption and target demand reduction.

“NOVEC’s smart grid plan will enable it to improve system efficiency and resiliency for its 142,000 Virginia customers in Prince William, Manassas, Fairfax, Clifton, Gainesville, and surrounding areas,” Connolly said. “Deployment of this program will enable NOVEC to reduce consumption by giving its customers real-time feedback on electricity prices, laying the groundwork for a more dynamic system of electricity distribution that minimizes peak loads by working with customers.”

Connolly said the stimulus funding for NOVEC’s Smart Grid technology plan is a step forward in our nation’s efforts to promote energy conservation and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

“This federal stimulus grant will help NOVEC accelerate the modernization of its electric distribution system and, more importantly, provide critical infrastructure for the future deployment of other Smart Grid technology,” said Jim Moxley, NOVEC senior vice president for administration, substations and telecommunications. “The grant will also contribute to economic growth through NOVEC’s construction spending and requirements for its labor force for products and services through the three-year term of the program.”

“We thank Congressman Connolly for his support throughout the grant application process. A successful completion of this DOE grant process will provide long-term benefits and tangible savings to our 142,500 customers,” said Stan Feuerberg, NOVEC president and CEO.

NOVEC, the 11th largest electric cooperative in the United States, is a customer-owned and locally-based distribution system that provides electricity to approximately 142,000 residents and business throughout Northern Virginia. NOVEC’s service territory encompasses 651 square miles. NOVEC customers have an ownership interest and share in any profits generated by the company.

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