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Schneider, Connolly and House Green Dogs Introduce Resolution Condemning Paris Withdrawal

Today, U.S. Representatives Brad Schneider (D-IL), Gerald E. Connolly (D-VA) and 170 Democratic colleagues introduced a resolution condemning President Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris Agreement and urging the Administration to reverse course and maintain U.S. participation.

H.Res.390 emphasizes the dire consequences of global climate change for our national security, public health, economy, and the legacy we will leave to our children, and makes clear that withdrawal from the international Paris Agreement will cede U.S. leadership on clean energy technologies, as well as the jobs they create, to countries overseas.

The Resolution also outlines the strong support for action to combat climate change from the international community, religious leaders, and U.S. businesses, including major energy companies. The text closes praising the many cities, States, colleges and universities, businesses, investors, and individuals who have publicly expressed their support for the Paris Agreement.

“Unilaterally withdrawing from the Paris Climate Agreement is short-sighted in the extreme,” said Congressman Brad Schneider. “It weakens America’s global leadership, slows our transition to renewable sources of energy, and further endangers the future we will pass on to our children. Rather than helping grow our economy, this decision puts the United States outside the global community and undercuts our opportunity to lead in the creation of clean energy jobs. Today’s Resolution sends a strong message that House Democrats stand united in support of the Paris Agreement, and in solidarity with the cities and States across the country that have demonstrated leadership by committing to continue honoring the goals of the agreement.”

"I applaud Rep. Schneider for his leadership in standing up for the Paris Climate Agreement," said Congressman Connolly. "Donald Trump's unilateral retreat from the world has sent a chilling signal to the international community. This resolution should send a clear message to our international partners that there are still supporters in Congress willing to take action on climate change."

This resolution is supported by the House Sustainable Energy & Environment Coalition (SEEC). SEEC’s leadership, including Representatives Connolly, Paul Tonko (NY-20), Doris Matsui (CA-06), Jared Polis (CO-02), Chellie Pingree (ME-01), Matt Cartwright (PA-17), Alan Lowenthal (CA-47), and Mike Quigley (IL-05) released the following joint statement:

“Committing ourselves to the Paris Climate Agreement is about keeping our communities safe and healthy, protecting strategic international partnerships, and turning this global challenge into an opportunity. By leading on climate action we can create good-paying American jobs in clean energy and green manufacturing, and we can set up American businesses to lead in these fast growing sectors. President Trump may have walked away from this challenge, but the rest of us haven’t. We commend the states, local governments, businesses and Americans across the country who are taking the lead on bold climate action. We call on Trump to do the right thing and remain in the Paris deal, but even if he won’t, we will.”

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