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Connolly Calls Metro GM's Proposed Reforms "Tough Sell But Some Necessary Medicine."

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Congressman Gerry Connolly (D-VA) released the following statement on General Manager Paul Wiedefeld's proposed Metro reforms: "This is a strong business plan proposed by Metro General Manager Wiedefeld that will require big sacrifices by jurisdictions and labor. A tough sell but some necessary medicine. Metro still needs more federal financial support."

Connolly Says Hiring Freeze Accomplished Nothing

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Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-VA) released the following statement in response to the administration’s announcement that it has lifted the federal hiring freeze. “I welcome the announcement that the administration is lifting a federal hiring freeze that accomplished nothing. Since its inception, I have insisted that an across-the-board hiring freeze is a mindless way to manage. Unfortunately,…

Connolly-Rooney Reintroduce Families of Fallen Servicemembers First Act

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Today, Congressman Gerry Connolly (D-VA) and Congressman Tom Rooney (R-FL) reintroduced the Families of Fallen Servicemembers First Act, bipartisan legislation to ensure the immediate payment of military death benefits to survivors of fallen servicemembers during federal government shutdowns or any other circumstance when federal spending authority lapses. “With another government…

Trump’s Plans For Slashing Government Follow “A Sinister Script”

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Anne Kim and Saahil Desai President Donald Trump’s recently proposed 2018 budget calls for massive and unprecedented cuts in domestic discretionary spending, including a 31% cut in the budget for the EPA, a 29% cut for the State Department, and double-digit reductions at a host of other federal agencies charged with everything from maintaining the nation’s national parks to securing…

Bipartisan Postal Reform Bill Passes Through Committee

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Today, with a bipartisan voice vote, the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee approved H.R. 756, the Postal Service Reform Act of 2017 as amended. The legislation is sponsored by Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-UT), Ranking Member Elijah E. Cummings (D-MD), Government Operations Subcommittee Chairman Mark Meadows (R-NC), Government Operations Subcommittee Ranking Member Gerry…

DC Metro rushed into yearlong repair program, watchdog finds

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Melanie Zanona Washington Metrorail’s system rushed into its massive yearlong repair program known as "SafeTrack," according to a government watchdog report released Tuesday. Metro “did not comprehensively collect and use data on the condition of its assets, analyze project alternatives, and develop a project management plan before starting work,” the Government Accountability…

Government Watchdog Says Metro Rushed Into SafeTrack

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Martin DiCaro Metro did not adequately plan for SafeTrack before launching the largest reconstruction program in the rail system’s 40-year history, according to a report released on Tuesday by a government watchdog agency. WMATA “lacked a comprehensive project management plan, which is a key tool to ensure a project is completed on-time, within-budget, and according to quality…

Stop Bullying Federal Workers

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Special to The Connection: Reps. Don Beyer and Gerry Connolly Republicans hold control of all three branches of government, and therefore have a responsibility to lead the civil service that employs millions of Americans, and every American relies upon for myriad services. The overwhelming majority of federal workers are hardworking people who devote themselves to public service. They…

Democrats wage uphill battle against bill targeting federal-union representatives

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Joe Davidson House Democrats were resolute — and loquacious — but were unable to derail the latest Republican move to significantly weaken federal labor unions. After seemingly endless discussion Wednesday, the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee was poised to advance legislation designed to undermine “official time.” It permits union representatives to engage in certain…

Inside the Democrats' Plan to Fight Trump

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Andy Kroll Congressman Gerry Connolly, a five-term Democrat who represents northern Virginia, marched into his office on Capitol Hill and assembled his staff for an impromptu meeting. "I'm going to the airport," he told them, "and I may be arrested." Two days before, Friday, January 27th, President Donald Trump had signed his now-infamous executive order that temporarily banned…

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