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Connolly Statement on Trump Inaugural Address

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Congressman Gerry Connolly (D-VA) released the following statement after President Donald J. Trump’s Inaugural address: “A troubling inaugural address. President Trump offered a dark, dystopian, and defiant inaugural speech that begins a new presidency without aspiration or reconciliation. It failed to unify or reach out to the entire nation, and insists on Trump's view of patriotism and…

Connolly Refuses to Attend Inauguration

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Congressman Gerry Connolly (D-VA) issued the following statement on his decision not to attend the Inauguration: "After long reflection I have decided that I cannot attend the inauguration of Donald J Trump on Friday. His behavior and harmful words during and after the campaign have left the country I love with open, bleeding wounds. Instead of binding those wounds, he has poured salt on…

WaPo: Obama’s federal workplace legacy is mixed, but he’ll be missed

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By Joe Davidson President Obama entered office eight years ago optimistic that he could “make government cool again.” Now he’s preparing to leave the White House to Donald Trump and his cynical “drain-the-swamp” approach to governing. As his administration develops, we’ll continue to examine Trump’s plan to freeze federal hiring and efforts…

Connolly Opposes Republican Budget Resolution

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Congressman Gerry Connolly issued the following statement in opposition to the Republican budget resolution.  I had a friend who often said, “if you are going to be a phony, at least be sincere about it.” This would be good advice for House Republicans who brought their budget resolution to the Floor today for a vote. House Republicans complained that 79 bipartisan hearings and…

Connolly Statement on House Republican Rules Package for the 115th Congress

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Congressman Gerry Connolly released the following statement on the House Republican rules package for the 115th Congress: "Today, I opposed the House Republican rules package for the 115th Congress. This proposal ushers in a new era of unified Republican government. One in which facts – when inconvenient – do not matter and ethics are subject to the interpretation of the…

Connolly Named New Dem Whip

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Today, New Dem Chair-Elect Rep. Jim Himes (CT-04) announced that Congressman Gerry Connolly, who previously served as a Vice-chair but was term-limited, will remain in leadership and serve as the Coalition's Whip. “With the election of Donald Trump, the New Democrat Coalition is more important than ever before,” said Congressman Gerry Connolly. “We will be the front line in winning…

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