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Democrats wage uphill battle against bill targeting federal-union representatives

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Joe Davidson House Democrats were resolute — and loquacious — but were unable to derail the latest Republican move to significantly weaken federal labor unions. After seemingly endless discussion Wednesday, the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee was poised to advance legislation designed to undermine “official time.” It permits union representatives to engage in certain…

Inside the Democrats' Plan to Fight Trump

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Andy Kroll Congressman Gerry Connolly, a five-term Democrat who represents northern Virginia, marched into his office on Capitol Hill and assembled his staff for an impromptu meeting. "I'm going to the airport," he told them, "and I may be arrested." Two days before, Friday, January 27th, President Donald Trump had signed his now-infamous executive order that temporarily banned…

Connolly Statement Following House Foreign Affairs Committee Hearing on Russian Interference

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Congressman Gerry Connolly (D-VA) released the following statement after today's House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing on Russian interference into U.S. elections: "More than three months ago, I led a letter with 15 members of the House Foreign Affairs Committee calling for a hearing into Russia’s deliberate interference in our presidential election. The hearing held today offered a…

Connolly Introduces Legislation to Award Ed Bearss the Congressional Gold Medal

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Congressman Gerry Connolly (D-VA) has introduced legislation to award the Congressional Gold Medal to nationally-celebrated Civil War historian and Northern Virginian, Ed Bearss. Bearss served as the chief historian for the National Park Service from 1981 to 1994, and currently serves as the Chief Historian Emeritus. The legislation is endorsed by Civil War historian and filmaker Ken…

Connolly-Langevin Reintroduce FAST Voting ACT

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Today, Representatives Gerald E. Connolly (D-VA) and James Langevin (D-RI) reintroduced the FAST Voting Act. The legislation aims to improve voter participation, encourage automatic voter registration and enhance voting system security. Based on the Department of Education’s successful Race to the Top program, the FAST Voting Act would allow states to apply for funding to implement…

Dems move to give grants to states for boosting voting security, access to polls

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By Morgan Chalfant A pair of Democratic lawmakers introduced legislation on Tuesday that would give federal grants to states to boost voting system security and increase voter access to elections. Reps. Gerry Connolly (Va.) and Jim Langevin (R.I.) introduced the Fair, Accurate, Secure, and Timely (FAST) Voting Act to improve voter participation and voting system security and…

Connolly Statement on Trump's Executive Order Reinstating Travel Ban

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Congressman Gerry Connolly (D-VA) released the following statement after President Trump’s executive order seeking to reinstate his Muslim and Refugee ban: "This Muslim Ban 2.0 is still rooted in the same bigotry and discrimination that’s come to define this Administration. It’s un-American and antithetical to our values."  

Democrats rally with federal employees facing tough times under Trump

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Joe Davidson A bicameral but uni-partisan parade of legislators rallied with federal employees outside the Capitol on Thursday in a vigorous display of support for their pay, benefits and jobs. Seven representatives and one senator joined members of the National Treasury Employees Union (NTEU) in an enthusiastic demand for fair pay, fair play and respect. “In times of change and…

Connolly Statement on Attorney General Sessions

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Congressman Gerry Connolly (D-VA) released the following statement after reports Attorney General Sessions’ may have lied under oath about meeting with Russian officials: "Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn and now Attorney General Sessions. Each day there are more troubling revelations that make clear senior level Trump officials had direct contact with the Russians. Even more concerning,…

Jeff Sessions' meetings with Russia draw criticism from Northern Virginia legislators

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Alex Koma Several members of Northern Virginia’s Congressional delegation are now joining dozens of other lawmakers in demanding that Attorney General Jeff Sessions either resign his post or recuse himself from the investigation into the Trump campaign’s potential contact with Russian officials. Those calls follow revelations late March 1 that Sessions met twice with Russian envoys…

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